What NOT To Do After a Breakup

What NOT To Do After a Breakup

What NOT To Do After a Breakup

What NOT To Do After a BreakupWhen you just break up with the love of your life, things are going to be insane for a while. Youre spinning out of control, you dont know up from down, and youre going to be seriously tempted to do things that could doom your chances of getting back together with your ex and regaining a stable hold on your world.

The best way to avoid this kind of destructive behavior is to know what it is and keep it far, far away...which is where I come in! ;)Youre lucky you have somebody whos been through a few of these and has seen the "Dos and Do-Nots" of recovering from the avalanche of emotions that is a breakup: me!

Whether its been in my own relationship pitfalls or those of people close to me, Ive had some experience with this sort of thing, and I know people whove made a full-time job out of helping folks like us get back on our feet.As I think I may have mentioned, there are a couple or thirty things you DONT want to do straight out of the gate when your lover tells you its over. Some of them are almost your very first impulses, so you have to be on your guard! Chances are youve already made a couple mistakes and done a few of these things without realizing what a bad idea it was...thats ok, you should still be able to salvage your situation if you start making some serious effort RIGHT NOW.

Rule Number One: Cut off contact...quit your ex cold-turkey. Time and space is the biggest thing the two of you need right now...space away from each other so that the cycle of negativity can be broken, and time so that YOU (thats right, you sitting there on your butt reading this) can pull yourself together and start addressing the issues that led to the relationships crash. Therell be time for contact with your ex later, if youre careful in going about getting back in touch later. Right now you need to focus.

Rule Number Two: Dont just slop around in your pajamas in a darkened apartment while your friends leave concerned messages on your voicemail. Be active! Even if you feel like your hearts been twisted out of your chest, nothing heals the hurt like surrounding yourself with people who care about you and allowing yourself to have a good time. The pain you feel is natural, its how you know you care...but letting it keep you from living your life is unacceptable. Get out there and live!

Rule Number Three: Take Rules One and Two to heart. Okay, so this isnt all you need to know, but its a great start. A lot of people cant make it past the first week without calling their ex or succumbing to the urge to curl up on the couch and watch soap operas all day while sobbing into a bucket of Rocky Road. Get this far and youve already done better than about 70% of the breakup victims out there.Im not the super expert here...I dont personally have all the answers. I DO, however, know a guy with a lot more answers than Ive got...and he knows how to convey them so that theyre easy to understand and follow. If youre interested in getting through this breakup, you can find some free videos and advice through the link below.Just break up? Get instant relief from break up pain and a proven plan to get your ex back.Do you

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as fast as possible?Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and know how to apply at the following

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You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.