Coolest Baby Shower Invitation Wording

Coolest Baby Shower Invitation Wording

Coolest Baby Shower Invitation Wording

You want some creative baby shower invitation wording? Okay, the first thing you need to do is sit down and think about who to be invited.

Have a conversation with the mom-to-be and decide the guest list. Or if your shower is a surprise one, phone up her close friends and relatives for the information about whose faces she would be happy to see.

Already have the answers? Great, finish your guest list, and we can start writing unique baby shower invites.

Baby shower theme sets the tone for the special event. So, the easiest approach is to have the wording reflect your shower themes.

For example, here is an idea for Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower Invitation: "Mama Pooh, Daddy Pooh and what... a new Baby Pooh is on the way in the Smith Den! Celebrate the entire Smith family for their new arrival!"

You can easily change it to fit any other cute themes that use words like "Bear", "Duck", "Snoopy", and "Frog" to replace the "Pooh". The ideas are endless!

If your theme is holiday or special occasion, there are so many free baby shower invitation verses on the internet.

Lets say youre making a Halloween baby shower invitation, type like this: "Soon the Frost will be on the Pumpkins! We have been waiting so long, and now we have a new little one coming to our Patch! Proud Parents: Tina & Fred. Our little Punkin is expected on December 11, 2005."

If you dont have a theme, no worries - it cant be more appealing to use those infant essentials in your invitation wording, like "...bottles & booties, diapers & pins, Bibs and More. This is where the love begins!"

And use a cursive writing for an elegant theme, or use a sillier, cutesy typing for a funny shower invite.

Its always good enough that simply tell people its a baby shower for baby girl or baby boy. If you want to reflect the babys sex on the invitations, the basic rule is to use pink ink (girl) or blue ink (boy) to print the invite.

How about the new mom is having twins? First, Double Congratulations to your friend!

As this double happiness deserve double baby gifts, type your invitation wording with a lot of "Two" and "Double", such as "Two by they come! Stacys having twins boys. Double the diapers, double the pins, double the fun! We all two happy two have to you here!"

Or even place two socks or shirts in each envelope - so everyone knows this is a twins baby shower. You can use the same techniques for baby triplets or even more babies!

Use any of these ideas or combine them to find the exact baby card that works for you.

About The Author

Qing Gu and Cindy Yang - Baby Shower Expert

If youre running out of time, here are some modern baby shower invitations that they always love to buy.

Qing and Cindy also created this cool online community for web savvy Shower hostess to share their baby shower party photos and tips so that Shower beginners can get inspired from these original party ideas.