Auditing Top Management

Auditing Top Management

Auditing Top Management

Internal auditors are required to audit top management as part of both ISO9001 and ISO14001 Management systems and most auditors find this task difficult.

The questions that I am asked include:

  • If I criticise my boss, will it affect my future with the company;

  • If I do not audit strictly enough will my boss think I am weak;

  • If I audit too hard will my boss think me too pushy?

The way to audit top management is to apply a code of conduct that cannot be misunderstood:
  1. Make an appointment to audit your boss, giving ample time;

  2. Always arrive at the appointed time;

  3. Determine what you need to know;

  4. Prepare your questions in advance;

  5. Always be polite and do not raise your voice;

  6. Treat any non-conformity as a matter of fact and not a triumph over your boss;

  7. Remember that your boss may feel the necessity to justify any non-conformity and you should allow him/her time to state the reasons for this;

  8. Always agree where a non-conformity is present and do not get into a discussion if this cannot be substantiated;

  9. Do not allow your boss to take over the process; you are in control;

  10. And finally do not carry on the audit beyond the agreed time;

If you do all these thinks you will find that auditing top management is as easy as normal auditing.