Tips on how to get a flat stomach but in a nutritious way

Tips on how to get a flat stomach but in a nutritious way

Tips on how to get a flat stomach but in a nutritious way

Flatten your tum fast diet Beat the bloat and look slimmer with our easy nutricleansing diet Our easy diet is based on one of the hottest new eating trends - nutricleansing. Followed by stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Oprah Winfrey, nutricleansing sees you cutting out foods like wheat, dairy, meat, salt, alcohol and sugar, and replacing them with soups, salads, juices and smoothies that supply you with masses of nutrients per calorie. Its brilliant at beating belly bloat because its super low in calories and cuts out the foods that add middle inches. By losing them and replacing them with lots of liquid foods, youll take the strain from your digestion and automatically start shrinking from within. Definitely enough to inspire you to eat healthily! Three day eating plan Simply follow our three-day belly-busting cleanse as directed. Its tough, and we wouldnt recommend doing any intensive exercise while youre on it, or following it for more than three days, but it will shrink your middle super fast. Dont panic - you shouldnt feel hungry, as its packed with filling, fibrous foods. However, to maximise satiety, sip liquid meals slowly and chew each mouthful of solid food 20 times to switch on the feel-full centres of your brain. Three must-try tips to make your diet work harder The longer you blend your juice drinks the better - fluffy smoothies contain plenty of air, which helps them make you feel fuller for longer. The juice of the aloe vera plant helps boost digestion and soothes the lining of the gut (damage to which makes digestive issues more likely). If you suffer bloat big time, add a shot of aloe juice Lose weight from your middle in three days with our easy diet plan Simply follow our three-day belly-busting cleanse as directed. Dont do any intensive exercise while youre on it, or follow it for more than three days. You shouldnt feel hungry, as its packed with filling, fibrous foods. However, to maximise satiety, sip liquid meals slowly and chew each mouthful of solid food 20 times to switch on the feel-full centres of your brain. Breakfast Start with a glass of hot water and juice of ½ lemon. Choose from: - 1 banana, 2tbsp of blueberries and a splash of pomegranate juice, blended until smooth. For extra energy, add 1 handful of walnuts or almonds. - half a mango and 3 handfuls of raspberries blended together with some ice. Serve with 3-4 oatcakes. Lunch Choose from: - Juice of half an avocado, half a pineapple and a little lime juice. Serve with grated carrot and cucumber salad, and some balsamic vinegar. - Broccoli soup: sauté 1 garlic clove and half an onion until soft. Add 2-3 florets of broccoli and cook for 2-3 minutes. Now add 2 handfuls of watercress and 2 cups of water, and simmer for 3 minutes. Blend, then serve with 3-4 oatcakes. Afternoon snack Choose from: - A smoothie made up of 2 oranges, 1 peach and 1 small piece of fresh ginger, blended with ice. - Juice 1 apple, half a lime and 1 cucumber with a little fresh mint. Serve poured over chunks of ice. - Serve whichever you choose with a small handful of almonds or walnuts. Dinner Choose from: - Artichoke soup: fry half an onion and 1 garlic clove in a little olive oil. Add 7oz canned artichokes, 240ml water, a splash of lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper. Cook, then blend until smooth. Serve with 40g (dry weight) brown rice. - 250ml of any fresh tomato juice, served with a salad of chopped cucumber, celery, red pepper and tomato, plus 1 handful of walnuts.