Rare Earth Minerals Face Mask

Rare Earth Minerals Face Mask

Rare Earth Minerals Face Mask

Rare Earth Minerals
-Now available for the first time in Australia from Daylesford Victoria-
Rare Earth Mineral Mask

Situated in the Victorian Central Highlands, Daylesford is world renowned for its wonderfully high concentration of mineral deposits, containing as much as 80% of all the mineral springs in Victoria. Our pure mineral products are produced from Pre-Cambrian deposits millions of years old from the Daylesford region. Due to Volcanic activity in the past, a shift in the Tectonic Plates has brought these rare earth minerals closer to the surface.
We feel confident that this is one of the best natural skincare products available. Containing Kaolinite, Potassium, Sodium, Silica, Natural Biospheres and Trace Elements, this rare composition of minerals comes straight from mother earth in this natural formation and is ph neutral making it safe and effective for all skin types. The ancient Egyptians defined beauty using much of which was naturally found in the earth such as
Kaolinite, a natural clay mineral, and one of the most ancient cosmetic ingredients producing excellent results. Used for centuries by beauties such as Cleopatra, kaolinite has excellent absorbent qualities which are used to draw out impurities and toxins deep within the skin without removing natural oils.
Most of the toxins in the body are positively charged, whereas Kaolinite possesses a natural negative ionic attraction to toxins. With its inherent electromagnetic properties the skin is cleared of excess dirt, oil and pollutants. It also has an astringent effect and acne sufferers are advised to use astringents if they have oily skin.
Potassium and Sodium are similar, absorbing moisture and drawing impurities outwards. The osmatic action of sodium tones and stimulates the skin. It cleanses and purifies and improves capillary circulation.
Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earths crust and traces of silica can be found in every cell of the body. Silica is a natural conditioning agent and beautiful skin depends on it. It improves the smoothness and spread of your foundation and powder and assists in keeping your makeup on for longer. This particular product contains Natural Bio-spheres which acts as a natural exfoliate improving the quality of your skin tone which further help to minimise the appearance of fine lines and prevent the visible signs of ageing. Results are visible within 15minutes.
Mineral cosmetics are the smart alternative to those who desire beautiful radiant skin and a naturally flawless look and we are now in a position to bring this beautiful rare earth mineral mudpack direct from Daylesford to you for a special introductory price of $AUS59.99 - minimum six applications plus $7.99 postage and handling within Australia.. Please inquire for postage and handling costs for overseas orders. Limited time only.
Your omniscient universal beauty ultimately yours. Rare Earth Minerals situated in Daylesford Victoria Australia, renowned spa country. Acreage of pristine untouched land exposing rare earth mineral deposits as used by ancient beauties such as cleopatra. Where ancient tribolites fossils are found and dinosaurs once roamed.