Exercise Routine - Build Super Strong Legs With Sandbags!

Exercise Routine - Build Super Strong Legs With Sandbags!

Exercise Routine - Build Super Strong Legs With Sandbags!

Many people think that you need to stick amongst just barbells and dumbbells to build strength, but odd objects such as sandbags certainly undergo their place - outstandingly concerning lowerbody development. Using a heavy sandbag, there are many options to mull over that can jack up your not just your legs, but also your upperback as far as various core stabilizers! Yep, sandbags pack quite the punch and are excellent as a single training tool alone or used as accessory movements to improve your squat and deadlift. The synergistic effect of the various sandbag movements will have tremendous carry for the duration of to your standard barbell movements. If youre a combat athlete, then I would say that sandbag training is a MUST HAVE in your arsenal. For isometric strength and energy system development, along with developing insane grip strength, not a great deal else will find you a bigger bang for your buck! But how we are being given to terminology up today is how to incorporate sandbags into your lowerbody training program. A method that alot of people have had alot of accomplishment with is Joe Defrancos Westside For Skinny Bastards Program. Its concept is simple - get freakin strong by lifting maximal weights, and next pick 2 or 3 accessory movements to help pack on some muscle mass. What Joe found was that many of his younger athletes got easily too weak to be doing dynamic effort work ala the Louie Simmons Westside program, and overly by simply getting stronger and on the rise muscle, his athletes received some astounding transformations. Whats the height im trying to make? Dont mess with a good thing. The principles behind Joes template WORK and are working for other strength coaches around the world. But, its just a template and you can continually play around and experiment so that the program fits your needs and too you can keep building progress. With that said, one idea using Joes template is to hit up your max attempt or sub max attempt (something like 6x3 or 5x5) main lift - a squat or deadlift variation - and then pick 2 or 3 sandbag movements and get in your repetition work through those. An ideal would be: a) Box Squat: sets of 5 up to a 3-5 rep max b1) Sandbag Zercher Reverse Lunges 4x6-8 each leg b2) Sandbag Power Cleans 4x6-8 Another idea, thanks to Zach Even-Esh, is to train 3 days per week getting in one upper body day, one come down body day, and then a over&wshyp;arching body day. You could mix up barbell & dumbbell Hello How Are you? with sandbags and really get cranking amid various combo drills on the total body day. Heres a breakdown of some of the different movements which you can do with a moderate to heavy sandbag... Squat/Lunge Variations: zercher squats zercher reverse lunges zercher walking lunges zercher step ups shoulder squats (not to mention back squats, reverse lunges, walking lunges, step ups, and goodmornings) Posterior Chain/Hip Extension Movements: shouldering power cleans zercher goodmornings bear hug allure throughs Combos: shoulder + squat power clean + zercher squat power clean + zercher contrary lunge power clean + zercher goodmorning power clean + zercher squat + zercher contrary lunge power clean + zercher squat + goodmorning power clean + zercher reverse lunge + zercher goodmorning power clean + zercher squat + zercher reverse lunge + zercher goodmorning shoulder + squat + gas clean + ...you get the point So go ahead and break the "rules" and start getting stronger using a wide array of training tools and leave your competition in the dust! You can get more fitness and nutrition information by visiting http://exchanged-links.blogspot.com