Low Thyroid Symptoms and Treatment

Low Thyroid Symptoms and Treatment

Low Thyroid Symptoms and Treatment

Hypothyroidism or low thyroid symptom is a condition when your thyroid produces less hormone which results in low basal body temperature, low cellular metabolism and also some kind of unexplained weight. There are certain low thyroid symptoms which can help you to detect the condition in your body early and thus take medical help to overcome the quandary easily. You must be aware of the symptoms of such an activity happening in your body so that you can act fast and get the right treatment for it.

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Before we discuss the low thyroid symptoms treatment let us discuss which signs tell you that your thyroid is not functioning well and you need to go for clinical check up of your thyroid. The signs and symptoms of low thyroid vary largely and depend a lot on age, the severity of hormone deficiency, your body metabolism and other factors. Old aged people who are very much vulnerable to this ailment show some symptoms, then the symptoms may be different in adults and then infants and children show some different symptoms too.

Some common low thyroid symptoms include low thyroid symptoms include - weight gain, puffy face, cold intolerance, loss or thinning of eyebrows, abdominal bloating, depression, cold hands and feet, joint or muscle pain, abdominal pain, dry and thinning of hair, thickening of skin, brittle or very thin fingernails.

The treatments of thyroid is basically altering the action of thyroid and thus acting in the right fashion for the body. When you are being treated there is a possibility that your condition gets worse. The signs and symptoms may become more severe and the thyroid may get enlarged. You should not worry of such signs and symptoms, because they usually happen when treatment is done. Early treatment is necessary to avoid the condition deteriorating to myxedema which is a very rare but serious condition. It leads to low blood pressure, decreased breathing and low body temperature.

While undergoing treatments and medications you should also take care of your diet. The diet for low thyroid symptoms is nothing special but a diet selected which is rich in those food items that have the key nutrients that play a vital role in reducing the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Iodine is the solution to most thyroid problem. Again there are certain foods items which you need to avoid while you suffer from the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

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