Having Different Religious Beliefs and Your Relationship

Having Different Religious Beliefs and Your Relationship

Having Different Religious Beliefs and Your Relationship

To those who are religiously active, and or those who hold strict religious beliefs that strongly differ from your partners, you may find that your relationship can become harder to cope with later in time. Many couples usually ignore this important factor when deciding to plunge into a deeper relationship. They ignore how it might affect parental ties and their offspring. It is best to discuss individual beliefs and how they have affected the worlds around each of you from young - as religious beliefs are usually the fundamental driving forces (or guides) behind individual values and that have been developing within us since the start of our nurturing. They teach us the difference between good and evil and help us to define our deities and our place in this world.

It can be dangerous to take on the religion of your partner, just to do so, if that religion has little to offer you and takes you away from your norms and values. You would have to be willing to take on the laws of a new religion that your partner is already accustomed to. As time goes by, it could become easier for him or her to find fault in your daily activities if they differ from your partners norms. But all is not lost if you are willing and able to adjust and enjoy to the change. But do not adjust only to make your partner happy, while remain uncomfortable. You must be happy to know there is a religious system you can adapt to, enjoy, and learn from.

If you decide that your mate has strict religious beliefs that seem abnormal to you, ask lots of questions - as religions come in many forms. Beware of cults and its practices. The numbers of cult religions increase daily in the United States. Many dont last, but they can be dangerous and become burdensome to you for the rest of your life. Satanic priests and witches exist everywhere in our age, so if that is not where you want to go, you better find out who you are getting involved with.

You may not appreciate finding out that the woman you have been dating for eight months is a practicing Jehovahs Witness if you are a Christian Scientist believer. Or maybe it would not bother you that much because eventually, you assume, your partner will see it your way soon enough. It usually does not turn out that way unless you never speak of religion in the home. But even if you never mention it, your individual religious norms will reflect from thoughts to actions (behaviors and prejudices) in the home and around each other.

Although both Jehovahs Witness and Christian Scientist religions are of Christianity decent, their belief systems differ greatly. For example, Christian Scientist members believe that all "reality" in the universe is necessarily good because God created it. The evil, sickness, and death that men think they see in the world could not have come from God; therefore, these things are essentially unreal. Conversely, Jehovahs Witness believe that the world has evil in it and that it is "real" based on biblical teachings. This is why they witness door-to-door and teaching of the coming Messiah - preparing people for the end.

On a surface level, two different beliefs held by a loving couple may seem insignificant, but they can be the fundamental cause of heated arguments, that over time, can lead to confusion, opposition, hate, and even divorce. So, for the sake of your offspring, get it right. Children depend on a stable nurturing that includes living-principles. A stable family is a strong family.