Restaurant: Industry Analysis

Restaurant: Industry Analysis

Restaurant: Industry Analysis

Market Analysis this section describes the targeted market. This will provide the profiles of the projected customers, as well as the location where they will be coming from. This section will also include a description of the observed trends in the market, such as the population growth, and other factors that might affect the restaurants operations.

The Competition this section describes the potential competitors profiles. Other restaurants within the area will be described. The particular restaurants that have the same target market will then be discussed furthermore. The planned competitive strategy will then be described, stating how the planned restaurant will be different from the existing ones.

Marketing Plans and Sales Strategies this section the plan of action to make the restaurant thrive. A description of how the market will be penetrated will be provided here. This section will also state the channels that will be tapped for advertising and generating awareness of the restaurant. The budget allotted for the marketing strategy will also be stated.

Operations this part will give the details of the operating scheme. This section will describe the restaurants facilities and equipment. The hours of operation as well as the projected holidays will be stated as well. The employee training and other aspects of human resource management will be described. The systems and controls, food production, and other services will be expounded.

Management and Organization this section will give the profiles of the managing arm of the restaurant as well as its ownership. The primary employees and key managers will be described here as well as its board of directors. The compensation and incentive scheme will be explained. The management style and structure will be further expounded.

Long Term Development and Exit Plans this section will provide the goals, strategies, and milestones of the restaurant. This will also predict possibilities of expansion. Risks will be evaluated. Guaranteed US Government Grant for USA Citizens at

Financial Data and Projections this section will provide the current information about the companys assets at the beginning of the restaurants development. It will also forecast projected figures in sales, expenses, profits and so on.