The Perfect Alternative To Coconut Milk Powder

The Perfect Alternative To Coconut Milk Powder

The Perfect Alternative To Coconut Milk Powder

Coconut Milk Powder can be purchased in supermarkets for making milk at home. However, this is not recommended because it usually contains whey or some other dairy milk product. Whey and cow milk products contain IGF-1 hormones which are known to bad for health and will not be suitable for anybody wanting to avoid dairy milk.

For general every day milk consumption coconut milk powder is best avoided for other reasons. It is manufactured through a spray drying process of raw unsweetened coconut cream. This is very different from the more widely available and coarser desiccated coconut which is made by grating machines that shred the white coconut flesh.

As mentioned, coconut milk powder undergoes a process of spray drying. This has the effect of mixing oxygen (from the air) into the powder, under extremely hot drying conditions. As a result, coconut milk powder is somewhat "oxidized" and will go rancid quite quickly if not refrigerated and consumed within one or two days of being mixed with water. This process also has the effect of increasing nitrate levels in powdered milk, whether dairy or coconut. It is known that high levels of nitrates can increase the risk of cancer.

Millions of people cannot tolerate dairy milk and would like to have a good-tasting alternative. But when the alternative is usually soy milk your choices are limited. Dairy milk is known to be fattening and bad for health, and soy milk is poor-tasting and its health benefits are doubtful.

Soy milk is generally more expensive than dairy milk and may not be so widely available. Furthermore, soy milk can also be quite fattening if you opt for the sweetened variety. If you opt for the unsweetened variety, most people dislike the taste. The biggest problem with soy milk is that it contains genistein, a harmful hormone that is causing increasing concern among scientists.

Genistein can significantly increase the risk of cancer in a person who regularly consumes soy milk. It does this by making body cells mutate, divide and multiply. The U.S National Cancer Institute says that genistein "disrupts signal transduction between cells and induces cell differentiation (i.e. cell multiplication)".

Unfortunately the National Cancer Institute makes no reference to soy milk in its fact sheets. But there are several studies showing that soy milk consumption is increasingly being linked with cancer. To see some of this research simply do an internet search for "soy milk cancer" (without the quotation marks).

You may well wonder what kind of milk is good to consume? The answer is to simply switch to coconut milk. Research shows that coconuts are in fact not fattening! The molecular structure of coconut fat is different to saturated fat it gets stored as energy instead of as body fat. As a consequence, coconut fat gives you energy, helping you to lose weight and stay slim.

Coconut milk when made the right way is very nutritious and absolutely delicious. Do not confuse canned "coconut milk" as sold in supermarkets with "home-made coconut milk". Canned coconut milk is a condiment used for adding to recipes and desserts. Home-made coconut milk can be used like regular dairy milk, providing a genuine alternative. Home-made coconut milk can be made quickly and easily in just minutes, and then be stored in the fridge just like regular milk.

Home-made coconut milk is nutritious, non-fattening, and absolutely delicious. It is far, far superior in taste and quality compared to just about any kind of commercial milk, whether dairy or non-dairy. Until recently, making coconut milk at home was a complicated and time-consuming affair. But an intriguing new method shows how you can make coconut milk at home quickly and easily, saving time and money.


Russell Eaton, the author of this article, is offering readers The Incredible Coconut Book. This free book shows a quick and easy way to make delicious coconut milk. Go now to The Incredible Coconut Book.