My Favorite Tactics For Approaching Women And Flirting

My Favorite Tactics For Approaching Women And Flirting

My Favorite Tactics For Approaching Women And Flirting

Throughout my years as a dating coach, Ive taught literally hundreds of students how to approach women in all types of situations. A lot of my students have been incredibly successful. Ive seen shy students who were terrified to approach girls turn into "approach machines" who suddenly began to meet new women on a daily basis -- and got more phone numbers than they knew what to do with!

I have actually watched very shy students of mine, who were formerly too intimidated to talk to females and clueless about how to approach women, transform into "approach masters" who were able to meet new women on a daily basis (even just shopping at the mall!) and frequently obtain phone numbers, dates and even one-night stands.

However, a guys level of confidence can take a major hit -- and that old "approach anxiety" can come seeping back in -- when he is faced with the mission of approaching an extremely gorgeous girl. The kind of woman who makes every guy stop and stare when she walks into the room.

So whats the most effective technique for approaching this type of woman? The answer, actually, is very easy: youre doing to make the most of the exact same approach tactics that I tell my guys to use with any woman, but after you use one of my "transition" techniques to engage her in the conversation, are going to use two particular tactics -- Cold Reads and Teases -- so that her tremendous beauty wont even be an issue.

What are Teases and Cold Reads? Well, theyre two very powerful techniques that you should use when you flirt with women. In essence, these are a couple of my favorite conversational "weapons."

For the purposes of this article, Ill just tell you real quick that Teases are things that you say to women in a playful way, that instill a very important idea in their brains: that you are NOT an average guy who is bowled over and dumbfounded by how hot she is.

If you tease a woman the right way -- remember its about being PLAYFUL, not loathsome -- youre treating her as you would act towards an old friend -- joking around, not taking things too seriously. When youre chilling with someone youve known for a while, youre obviously going to tease and joke around with that person. By using Teases with a hot girl, in a strategic way, you are demonstrating that youre not fazed by her good looks and you are relating to her as a normal person.

This is the opposite of how most men behave around a stunner. The average guy cant even conduct a fun, interesting conversation because hes so WORRIED about saying the wrong thing!

As for Cold Reads, these are STATEMENTS that you make to a girl about herself. Its as if youre playing "psychic" and telling her something about herself that no other dude in the room would ever guess.

A good Cold Read makes you look extraordinarily perceptive and it instantly creates a bond between you and the girl. But the really clever thing about Cold Reads is that they apply to virtually anyone. Youre telling her something about herself that SOUNDS accurate, but the same statement would apply to just about anyone you used it on.

So, the encounter will begin with an effective opener. Then youll use a Transition (or "Bridge") tactic to get the conversation onto the right type of topic. And then, you will discreetly use Teases and Cold Reads.

Example of a Tease: "Cindy, I gotta say, I misjudged you at first. I can sense that there is a lot more to you than meets the eye...its too bad you arent my type." (Then, you change the focus and leave her wondering WHY you just said that...)

COLD READ: "Yknow something Cindy, I can sense that a lot of people judge you the wrong way when they first see you. You have this sort of cold exterior, but its because youve been hurt before by someone that you trusted, and since then youve been kinda cautious about meeting new people. But they dont realize what a sweet, sensitive person you really are underneath."

(This Cold Read is very effective with hot women, because they are always worried that people are ONLY judging them based on their beauty. Beautiful women are often a lot more insecure than you would think, and would like to be recognized for their OTHER qualities -- their intelligence, sense of humor, personality, etc.)

Honestly, it isnt difficult to learn how to approach women. Whenever you blend these strategies with other effective conversational techniques, you have the formula for a super-fun conversation that will set off all of her "attraction switches" and drive up her interest and curiosity. Getting her phone number will be guaranteed -- and from that point on, youll be in charge of steering this wherever you want it to go. Over the course of my long career as a dating coach, Ive showed countless of students how to approach women in every possible situation. Many of these guys have been incredibly successful. Ive seen shy guys who were terrified to walk up to girls turn into "approach machines" who suddenly began to meet new women all the time (even while walking down the street!) -- and got more phone numbers than they knew what to do with!

Its been enjoyable to watch incredibly timid students of mine, who were previously scared to talk to hot chicks and clueless about how to approach women, turn into "approach machines" who were able to meet new women on a daily basis (even while simply shopping at the mall!) and continually obtain digits, dates and even hook-ups the same night.

However, a mans sense of "approach confidence" can really take a hit when he finds himself wanting to walk up and talk to an extraordinarily fine-looking female.Im talking about approaching a stunner. A "perfect 10." The kind of female who makes every dude stop and stare when she enters the room.

So is there a way to heighten your odds of success with this kind of girl?Well, the answer is actually quite uncomplicated: you use the same approach tactics that I suggest you use with any woman, but after you use one of my "transition" techinques to engage her in the conversation, are going to use two special strategies -- Cold Reads and Teases -- so that her tremendous attractiveness wont even be an issue.

What are Teases and Cold Reads? Well, theyre two very dominant strategies that you should use when you flirt with women. Fundamentally, these are two of my favorite conversational "weapons."

For right now, the short definition is that Teases are playful things you say to women to "mess with them" a little bit, and establish that youre NOT intimidated or super-impressed by them.

If you tease a woman the correct way -- remember its about being PLAYFUL, not loathsome -- youre framing the interaction as if you are already familar and comfortable with her, which prompts her to treat you in the same manner. When youre hanging out with someone youve known for a while, youre naturally going to tease and joke around with that person. By using Teases with a beautiful woman, in a strategic way, you are showing her that youre not fazed by her attractiveness and you are relating to her as a normal person.

This is the opposite of how most men behave around a stunner. This dude cant even carry on a normal conversation because hes so fearful of saying the WRONG thing and screwing it up!

Now, as for Cold Reads, these are really awesome. Basically, you "read" her and tell her something about herself -- as if youve got psychic powers and understand her on a deeper level.

When you use an effective Cold Read, it makes you look like an extremely perceptive guy who "gets" her -- and this can create a powerful bond, in a short amount of time. But the really clever thing about Cold Reads is that they apply to virtually anyone. Youre telling her something about herself that SOUNDS accurate, but the same statement would apply to just about anyone you used it on.

So, the encounter will begin with an effective opener. Then youll use a Transition (or "Bridge") tactic to get the conversation onto the right type of topic. And then, you will discreetly use Teases and Cold Reads.

TEASE: "Yknow, Cindy, I think I got the wrong idea about you at first. I can tell theres more to you than meets the eye. Its just too bad youre not my type..." (then change the subject)

And heres a Cold Read: "You know, Cindy, Im sure that most people get the wrong idea about you when they see you for the first time. You have this tough exterior, but I know its only because youve been hurt in the past by someone who you really trusted. Since then, youve been cautious about letting new people get close to you. But the funny thing is, they dont realize what a sweet, sincere, sensitive person you truly are."

(This Cold Read works especially well with sexy women, because they are often concerned that people are ONLY judging them based on their beauty. Gorgeous girls are often a lot more insecure than you would think, and would like to be recognized for their OTHER qualities -- their intelligence, sense of humor, personality, etc.)

Honestly, it isnt difficult to learn how to approach women. If you merge these techniques with other effective conversational methods, you have the blueprint for a conversation that will trigger all of her "attraction switches" and drive up her interest and curiosity. Scoring her phone number will be no problem at all -- and where you take it from there is up to you. Throughout my long career as a dating instructor, Ive taught literally hundreds of guys how to approach women in every imaginable scenario. A lot of my students have been ridiculously successful. Ive seen shy students who were scared to walk up to girls turn into "approach machines" who all of a sudden began to meet new girls on a daily basis -- and got more phone numbers than they knew what to do with!

I have actually seen extremely shy students of mine, who were previously scared to talk to females and clueless about how to approach women, quickly evolve into "approach masters" who were able to meet new women every day (even just walking down the street!) and continually rack up digits, dates and even hook-ups the same night.

Im not referring to a young woman who is "cute" or "kinda hot." Im talking about an absolute BEAUTY. The kind of female who makes every guy stop and stare when she walks into the room.

So whats the most effective method for approaching this type of girl? The answer, in reality, is fairly straightforward: you use the same approach techniques that I advocate you use with any female, but after you use one of my "transition" tactics to engage her in the conversation, you use Teases and Cold Reads to eliminate her "hotness factor" and in fact use it to your advantage.

I know youre probably wondering what Teases and Cold Reads are. Well, theyre two very powerful tactics that you should use when you flirt with women. In essence, these are a couple of my favorite conversational "weapons."

For the purposes of this article, Ill just tell you real quick that Teases are things that you say to women in a playful way, that instill a very important idea in their minds: that you are NOT an average guy who is bowled over and flabbergasted by how hot she is.

If you tease a woman the right way -- remember its about being PLAYFUL, not insufferable -- youre treating her as you would treat an old buddy -- joking around, not taking things too seriously. You act this way around old friends because you are comfortable with them. By using Teases with a hot stunner, in a strategic way, you are showing her that youre not fazed by her good looks and you are relating to her as a normal person.

This is the opposite of how most men behave around a super hot girl. The ordinary guy cant even conduct a fun, interesting conversation because hes so WORRIED about saying the wrong thing!

As for Cold Reads, these are STATEMENTS that you make to a girl about herself. Its as if youre playing "psychic" and telling her something about herself that no other dude in the room would ever guess.

When you use an effective Cold Read, it makes you look like an extremely perceptive guy who "gets" her -- and this can create a powerful bond, very fast. But the really clever thing about Cold Reads is that they apply to virtually anyone. Youre telling her something about herself that SOUNDS accurate, but the same statement would apply to just about anyone you used it on.

So, the interaction will begin with an effective opener. Then youll use a Transition (or "Bridge") tactic to get the conversation onto the right type of theme. And then, you will discreetly use Teases and Cold Reads.

Example of a Tease: "Cindy, I gotta say, I misjudged you at first. I can sense that there is a lot more to you than meets the eye...its too bad you arent my type." (Then, you change the focus and leave her wondering WHY you just said that...)

COLD READ: "Yknow something Cindy, I can tell that a lot of people judge you the wrong way when they first see you. You have this tough exterior, but its because youve been hurt before by someone that you trusted, and since then youve been kinda cautious about meeting new people. But they dont realize what a sweet, sensitive person you really are underneath."

(This Cold Read works especially well with stunning girls, because they are always worried that people are ONLY judging them based on their looks. Beautiful women are often a lot more insecure than you would think, and like to be appreciated for their OTHER qualities -- their intelligence, sense of humor, personality, etc.)

It really isnt difficult to learn how to approach a woman. Whenever you bring together these tactics with other effective conversational techniques, you have the blueprint for a super-fun conversation that will trigger all of her "attraction switches" and and make her genuinely interested and attracted in you. Scoring her phone number will be no problem at all -- and where you take it from there is up to you.

Now before we go any further, please heed this warning...

The advanced tactics contained in our free, 75-page seduction manual will affect women on a powerful subconscious level. We ask you to please use these methods responsibly! For more specific tips on how to approach women and how to get girls to feel attracted to you, download our free, 75-page "S.W.A.T. Guide" (Secret Weapons & Attraction Tactics). Get your copy now while we are still giving it away!