Making Homemade Carp Baits Using Fish Meal Ingredients!

Making Homemade Carp Baits Using Fish Meal Ingredients!

Making Homemade Carp Baits Using Fish Meal Ingredients!

Everyone knows just how effective fish meal baits are for catching literally thousands of big carp and being of fish, they supply the essential stimulatory nutrition that carp need - and can be used to make very economical baits too! But how can you make very cheap baits with those vitally important competitive edges over other baits? Read on to find out much more! One of the most significant aspects of fish meals is that they have large quantities of energy per unit weight while containing very little carbohydrate. They are excellent sources of protein, lipids (oils), minerals, and vitamins and other factors very useful in making successful carp fishing baits. Trout pellet meal, salmon pellet meal, halibut pellet meal, and all kinds of other fish meals can be used for bait-making; including cheap standard fish meal much higher in cereal content! Just a few decades ago developments in treating fish to make far more digestible and so more nutritional, (to provide poorer countries with better quality food,) has made a revolutionary difference to so many carp baits and not just limited to fish meal baits! The use of the famous enzyme-treated fish protein and soluble fish protein called LO30 among others are fantastic fish-catchers. Often other feeding trigger-rich marine protein sources are included alongside fish ingredients with benefits such as their lipid-richness and stimulatory amino acids (plus other extremely notable other amines etc!) All these whole, predigested and water-soluble products can be utilised to create highly nutritionally attractive baits soaks, dips and complexes and many forms of outstanding ground baits and paste baits too as well as boilies and pellets! Please note that very many of the cheap pellets are often predominantly very poor biological value cereals-based and many companies will merely coat them with more nutritional feeding stimulants and attractors, such as various fish oils, or bloodworm extract and so on. (The very best fish meal pellets are made predominantly from high levels of quality fish meals and water-soluble predigested extracts although the low-oil carp pellets are far better for carp in the long-run that the much over-used high oil halibut pellet varieties!) Among the effective bait ingredients and additives you might choose to add to your fish meal bait are the following: tiger nut flour, roasted peanut meal, Super Gold 60 (predominantly maize protein,) Ccmoore Red Venom, Carophyll Red, limestone powder, Robin Red additive, blood powders, crushed oyster shell and kelp meal, (among many others.) Carp love sweetened baits and you might like to try out the Supersweet product and fructose concentrate or even nutritional molasses available from Ccmoore instead of the much-used Talin to give your bait an extra edge. Some of the best most easily available examples of fish meals include sardine and anchovy meal, herring meal, and the so-called LT94 - which is a hugely popular economical choice. Capelin and tuna have also been highly successful and there are many others if you have a will to source them! With fish meals you have so much choice and you are guaranteed with them to make highly nutritional homemade baits that will just keep on catching for years! The huge benefits of fish meal ingredients has been over-stated in certain sources more recently and yes they are awesome, but please not get the idea that they absolutely have to be used in order to catch carp! Due to the over-fishing of larger fish species that prey on smaller fish, many smaller fish such as the anchovy and sardines of South America are thriving compared to previously but this ignores the horrifying drop in world-wide fish stocks and over-looks over-fishing disasters such as that of the once legenday British herring fishery. But the most famous example of the idiocy of man in regards to over-fishing was the wipe-out of what was once the most productive cod fishery in the whole world at the Grand Banks. Over all, each year fish stocks around the world just keep getting lower and now vast areas of the seas and oceans of almost barren; the factory ships with their echo-sounder technology gave the fish no chance and under-sized immature fish are constantly killed further reducing future breeding stocks! So fish as a whole is a rapidly diminishing natural resource and it is your personal responsibility to do your homework on using it for fishing bait. Did you know that now the vast proportion of cod we eat in our traditionally English fish and chips comes from not British waters but from Scandinavia? In fact the European Union has just announced that the rules regarding commercial catch quotas linked to fish conservation (to ensure fish stocks for the future) are failing! All this means that if you have a conscience and you want to not only be eating fish in the future and be using it in your baits in the futures then think about other alternatives right now too! In fact, a paste of stupidly cheap wheat flour, eggs, sugar, salt, sunflower oil and a quality concentrated flavour very predominantly consisting of natural esters, (as opposed to synthetic flavours and solvents,) will still catch you loads of fish - when fished right of course! Alternatives to fish and fish-derived ingredients that can be used to supplement the nutritional profiles of baits so they contain the 10 essential amino acids carp require in their natural diet to make nutritionally-stimulating baits include; Super Gold 60, (mostly maize protein,) poultry protein meal and concentrated yeast plus very many others that are far more sustainable that fish are, even including roast peanut meal, and tiger nut meal and corn steep liquor powder! Whether you include in a homemade base mix perhaps 3 ounces or 10 ounces of fish meal or fish pellet powder per pound in your baits, it you will still catch fish. You might choose to base your baits on any of the many fish meal and fish derivative-based pet foods available and boost these with actual fish meal additves and ingredients. To boost your baits nutritionally why not add Ccmoore Cyprivit which is a specially designed vitamin supplement to supply carp daily vitamin requirements and include vitamins which are specifically not only water-soluble, but are actually digestible and usable by carp! You can make your homemade fish meal boilies, pellets, pastes and treated super-boosted particle baits, and readymade boilies and pellets preparations, more or less attractive and digestible, depending upon your level of bait-making knowledge and experience. It is advantageous to make baits extremely highly digestible by not only choosing those ingredients and additives with very high biological values but boosting your baits by exploiting many other aspects of your baits; including factors that provide many more reasons that make carp pick up your bait when fished against competing quality baits! When your bait is very highly digestible they can be far more fully digested and assimilated by carp when consumed. This provides very powerfully beneficial instinctively-based carp reference points and competitive bait advantages with such baits due to their baits extreme energy-efficiency! However, you need plenty of experience in working with many products and be very technical in your approach in order to sort out your baits levels and ratios so your bait provides the correct concentrations of the first 3 limiting amino acids. In fact there are many very simple ways of making incredibly attractive fish meal baits that have extremely high digestibility and nutritional value but you need to think about things creatively to produce such baits and these come with time and very much deeper understanding of baits workings inside carp added to experience in combining ingredients etc and actually making practicable baits within a sensible budget! Just remember if you are a beginner that very usually the better quality protein products that will catch you far more fish. These will often cost you more than inferior products and it so often far better to make less baits with more of these quality products than make lots of baits using inferior products that catch very little or very few big fish by comparison. You can mix fish meals with so many other ingredients, additves and liquids you will never before have associated with savoury or fishy type baits it will surprise you. Fish meal baits containing more suitable ingredients for cold temperatures are very effective in winter but I believe in including betaine and wheatgerm and metabolic stimulants of various kinds (just for starters) to really give you the edge over those anglers who are very lazy and insist on putting a halibut pellet on their rig! Why not contact Phil at CW Baits or at carpfishingpellets for a liquid lecithin emulsifier feeding trigger product, that will hugely boost your bait digestion and cold-water (and warm-water) performance?! Fish meal baits are proven big fish baits. But you need to think about what you are doing if you want the most competitive baits that will out-fish those other homemade baits and popular readymade baits you will be fishing against. But this is very possible to do with enough desire and very many anglers fishing their own homemade baits catch outstanding numbers of big fish when fished against readymade baits that very often simply do not match them in many factors, not least in the levels of natural nutritional carp feeding triggers included! Why not now take a look at my unique baits secrets ebooks at Baitbigfish for more details on super-boosting homemade and readymade baits of all kinds for big carp and giant catfish! By Tim Richardson. Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: Home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!