Using a Lensatic Compass

Using a Lensatic Compass

Using a Lensatic Compass

If you are having trouble finding your way around or have forgotten how to use the stars for navigating, learning how to use a lensatic compass will help you get back on the right track. Like most compasses, the lensatic compass is magnetized to point towards north. It looks a bit like a watch but rather than telling the time it has the words N, W, S and E, indicative of north, west, south and east. In order to better help you learn how to use a lensatic compass, some include additional directions like southwest, northwest, northeast, etc. But these are not included in all models. In order to better comprehend how to use a lensatic compass, you need to be aware of the fact that unlike other compasses, it uses a dial instead of a needle to pinpoint directions. The dial itself is easy to spot, as it is the one that has the letters indicating the cardinal points. In addition, the device also has a few numbers around it which are used for pointing out where to go in a more accurate manner. In case you are wondering, the surface is segregated into 6,400 units. The best way to know how to use a lensatic compass is by utilizing it. Lift the cover, and set it to about 90 degrees and the lens at 45 degrees. Point the thumb hook down. Putting your thumb there, point the sighting wire at its center as you look at your goal. Now start reading the lens. If you want to know how to use a lensatic compass, learning how to set a bearing will be important. Measure the bearing in degrees as you are looking at your target, and adjust the marking to north as pointed to by the card. Although it sounds complicated, you will only need to handle the device a few times before you get used to it. To make it even easier to learn how to use a lensatic compass, choose a landmark in the general area you are in. You can use this to help your navigation, but even if the object gets out of sight, a look at the bearing on the lensatic compass will help you find your way around again. Here are a few more things you should remember. A lot of the devices available have a feature that allows you to triangulate the exact location of your landmark relative to your spot. This is a feature that you should look for as it will help you comprehend how to use a lensatic compass more quickly. Finally, if you are just studying how to use a lensatic compass, do not head out into the forest just yet. Allow yourself some time to get accustomed to it. Only when you are sure you have gotten the hang of it should you try it out in more natural spots. That is all there is to learning how to use a lensatic compass. With these facts in mind, you will never find yourself groping for the right direction when you go jungle trekking or mountain climbing.Will Spencer is a technology and science consutant/expert and has written many articles such as How to use a Lensatic Compass and How do Generators Work for Iqio Web site. Visit Using a Lensatic Compass.