Wearing Contacts with Allergies

Wearing Contacts with Allergies

Wearing Contacts with Allergies

Allergy season can be a very trying time for those that wear contact lenses. Often, allergy sufferers have itchy, watery eyes or a buildup of protein deposits which can make it hard to see out of contact lenses and also cause quite a bit of discomfort. What sometimes isnt clear enough to allergy sufferers is that there are choices out there for them to make wearing contact lenses much more comfortable, choices that

Discount Contact Lenses

is prepared to help them with.

Eye allergies are the result of the eyes reacting to foreign substances, such as dust, coming in contact with the eyes. This allergic reaction is often hereditary, running through familial lines. Occasionally, the allergic reaction can bring on even worse conditions, such as pink eye and asthma, but under normal circumstances, the symptoms include redness, swelling, itchiness, tearing, and a mucous discharge. The foreign substances are usually airborne, such as mold, dust, pollen, and animal dander.

Sometimes contact lenses can act as the foreign substance and cause an allergic reaction, but usually its the typical foreign substances, otherwise known as the allergens, acting as the irritant, and the wearing of contact lenses only makes it worse. The allergens affecting the eye can cause the production of mucous or protein deposits that can attach to the contact lenses, making it very difficult to see through them, as well as making them quite uncomfortable.

A talk with your eye care professional can solve this problem a few different ways. There are special eye drops (such as




) that can be prescribed to help keep contacts free from the buildup of protein deposits, and also help the wearer be much more comfortable throughout allergy season. The drops are applied directly to the eye, not the contact lens, twice a day, and often contact lens use can be continued while using the medicated eye drops. Over-the-counter medications can be used as well, but they dont seem to carry the same long term benefits as the prescribed eye drops.

Using different contact lenses is certainly another option. Disposable lenses can sometimes be a great alternative, as once a buildup of protein deposits occurs on the them, they can be thrown out and replaced.

Focus Dailies

are contact lenses that are changed and disposed of daily. Its a great solution for allergy sufferers, as when the lenses are clouded up with protein deposits at the end of the day, they are simply thrown out, to be replaced by a new clean pair in the morning. Another option is to continue the use of a different type of contact lens, but clean them daily with

Clear Care Cleaning and Disinfection Solution,

which will remove the buildup of protein deposits from the lenses.

There are certainly many options available to contact lens wearers that also suffer from allergies. Talk to your eye care professional and find out the best solution for your personalized care, then contact

Discount Contact Lenses

to see how they can help you.


Laura Tucker is a 42-year-old freelance writer and mother of two. For the past two years, she has been a featured writer at realityshack.com, covering recaps and commentary on American Idol, The Amazing Race, and Big Brother, among others. Laura has also written content for many other websites and has had one of her movie reviews published in a print magazine. In her spare time, she enjoys martial arts as an instructor and student and obtained her black belt in 2006. Laura wrote this article about


for Discount Contact Lenses.