How to Obtain Detailed Cell Phone Billing Records to Catch a Cheater

How to Obtain Detailed Cell Phone Billing Records to Catch a Cheater

How to Obtain Detailed Cell Phone Billing Records to Catch a Cheater

Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman

ometimes, you need to know specifics about whom your spouse talked to on their cell phone. Detailed billing records arent always easy to come by, especially if you are not the true owner of the cell phone or handheld device in question; in other words, the cell-phones account is not in your name.

However, especially in cases of potential infidelity or extramarital activity, knowing whom your spouse or partner is talking to, and who is talking to them, could prove exceedingly valuable. So, how can you obtain detailed billing records for your spouses cell phone?

Unless you are involved in a legal proceeding where your spouses extramarital activity is already documented, youre probably interested in keeping legal aspects out of the equation. However, you still want to know whom they called, who called them, text messages they sent, and whatever else you can find out, without giving away the fact that you are digging into their cellular phone activity history.

Fortunately, though, you dont necessarily need a warrant to retrieve a cell phones billing records -- just the help of a cell-phone forensics investigator. Cell phone forensic investigation services can provide detailing billing records for cellular phones, Blackberrys or any mobile handheld device that stores data about its usage internally. Data retrieved through a forensic data recovery service can actually exceed the information provided in the cell phone bill.

For instance, you can find out: Numbers your spouse has called, and how long they were talking Text messages sent and received, and whom they were sent to Deleted contact list information The caller ID history (find out who has been calling them) However, retrieving a cell phones detailed billing records with the help of a forensics investigator means that you can obtain even more data, which likely could prove to be more incriminating than the cell phone billing records themselves. For instance, an investigator may be able to retrieve: Deleted images Deleted videos Deleted web-browsing history (for web-enabled phones and mobile devices)

All of which can provide depth to the billing information recovered during a forensic examination. If your spouse is cheating, or is on a path that will lead to cheating, they cannot hide their activities, even if they use their cell phone. Detailed billing records, especially if they are uncovered through a cell-phone forensics investigation, can give you more information than if you had access to their billing history directly.


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