3 Deadly Seduction Secrets To Get Any Girl
3 Deadly Seduction Secrets To Get Any Girl

3 Deadly Seduction Secrets To Get Any Girl

When it comes to the game of dating and attraction, much of the outcome is determined by you and you alone. With the right mindset and the confidence to execute, you can get any girl you want easily. Here are 3 deadly seduction secrets to get any girl. Initiate & Conquer Rejection The reason why some guys tend to get the hottest women is because they are more pro-active. They take the initiative to start the conversation or asking her out. We termed such guys as alpha males. Alpha males dont fear rejection and besides rejection can only make one stronger. After all, what doesnt kill you just makes you stronger! Thus, be an alpha male and take the lead. As you practice more and more, rejection will not bother you anymore. Body Language When you interact with someone, words only make up of 7%, while 38% accounts to tonality and body language makes up 55% of your interaction. Thus, body language can tell a lot about you and your personality. So, what type of body language does the alpha male portray? First, they stand confidently with their chest slightly sticking out. They walk confidently with both arms swinging and when they sit, they occupy more space than required. Escalating Physical Contact Whats the point of only talking? Establish some physical contact and always try to take things to the next level. And dont be afraid to do so as alpha males dont. Of course, before you even bring things to the next level, observe the situation. Watch for some signals from the woman and act accordingly. Dont rush into things without even looking for clues. As a general guideline, heres how to escalate the physical contact. 1. Approach 2. Digits 3. Date Request 4. Date 5. Hold Hands 6. Holding her waist 7. Kiss You can figure out the rest. If youre still clueless in finding the right words when approaching a lady, you would like to consider reading the "Alpha Male Insider" Newsletter. This popular newsletter is read by newbies and dating experts to improve their dating game. I was shy and and just plain embarrassed in front of pretty, hot WOMEN... 6 months ago. Discover how I overcame my fears and become the Alpha Male that all women desire! Read "How to Become An Alpha Male" now at http://www.becomethealphamalenow.com