Benefits of Radar Detectors
Benefits of Radar Detectors

Benefits of Radar Detectors

For motorists, a radar detector is a valuable piece of equipment that can save you a great deal of money and hassle when dealing with speeding tickets. In addition to the fees a motorist can accrue in fines regarding speed related incidents, a motorists insurance rates can skyrocket as points are issued on the individuals driving record. Instead of looking around every turn for a police officer or state trooper aiming at traffic with a radar gun, arm your vehicle with a radar detector.

The main benefit of a radar detector is to make you aware of police officers or state troopers in the area. Radar detectors will enable you to be aware of a radar wielding officer so that you can adjust your speed accordingly. Speeding is one of the most widely stopped offenses, causing millions of dollars in fines each and every year in this country. Do not allow yourself to become responsible for hefty fines or dramatically costly points on your insurance due to speeding tickets. Instead, invest in a simple radar detector to install in your vehicle so that you are aware of any radar guns in the area.

Radar detectors do just what their name implies—they detect the radar beams that are emitted from a police officer or state troopers radar guns. These detectors will sound a noise to tell you of the appearance of the beams so that you will be aware of their presence. Alternatives to radar detectors include devices to pick up laser—also called "ladar"—that will also inform police officers or state troopers of a speeding car. Still, other devices block radar instead of acknowledging its presence. These devices will not make you aware of any radar detectors, so they will not make a sound when a radar guns presence comes into range. Instead, these devices block or jam the radar guns in order to prevent the police officer or state trooper from registering your vehicles speed.

In addition to avoiding costly fines and tickets, radar detectors can serve as a warning system when a motorist is driving too quickly. The acknowledgment of a radar detector of a nearby radar gun allows motorists to reevaluate the speed of their vehicle and make any necessary corrections. Many motorists have acknowledged their radar detector in making them aware of their speed before they potentially lost control of their vehicle due to excessive speeds.

Before you decide to purchase a radar detector and install it in your vehicle, ensure your state of residence allows these devices on the roadways. Several states have enforced bans on radar detectors being switched on while driving, and other states forbid radar detectors in cars at all. Ensuring the legality of these devices before you choose to purchase and drive will save you from hassles and fines in the future.

Mike Barus is a reseller and a user of radar detectors, he specializes in testing all sorts of detectors. For more information, please visit

Mike Barus is a reseller and a user of radar detectors, he specializes in testing all sorts of detectors. For more information, please visit