Chlamydia is a common venereal disease
Chlamydia happens to be one of the most common sexually transmitted disease in United States, but this does not mean that it does not happen in the rest of the world.
The highest rate of Chlamydia infection is in people between age fifteen and twenty four.
What is Chlamydia?
This is a bacterial infection that is passed from one person to another through vaginal or anal intercourse, oral, and even genital touching.
When are you at risk?
The best way to determine if you are at risk for infection with Chlamydia is to consider your past and present intimate behavior. You are more probable to be tainted if:
- You have had intercourse with more than one person
- Your partner has had intercourse with more than one person.
- Your partner has had a sexually transmitted infection in the past.
- You do not use protection such as condoms every time you have intercourse
- How can you lower your risks of infection?
The best three things to do are:
This is when you avoid any form of intimacy with anyone
If you must have intercourse then be faithful to one partner and make sure he or she is faithful to you as well.
Use protection
Latex condom could be used every time you have intercourse although condoms do not provide complete protection from all venereal diseases.
Chlamydia is normally silent
Chlamydia is known as silent disease because three quarters of infected women have no symptoms. As a consequence, several infections are not diagnosed and therefore not treated.
The bacterium originally contaminates the cervix -opening to the uterus and the urethra -urine canal. Those women who do have symptoms might notice a strange vaginal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating.
When the disease extend from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, some women notice lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, pain during intercourse, and bleeding between menstrual periods.
If the infection extend beyond the cervix into the upper reproductive system, it is likely for permanent damage to occur, such as infertility.
There are numerous types of laboratory tests that can be used to diagnose Chlamydia. These tests include culture and PCR.
It is imperative to make out that a Pap test is not a test for Chlamydia or other venereal diseases. The Pap test is a way to check up cells collected from the cervix to verify if cancer or precancerous changes are present.
Sometimes uncertainty occurs because, like the Pap test, tests for Chlamydia involve gathering a specimen from the cervix.
Another test that is becoming more obtainable can detect Chlamydia bacteria in a urine sample.
No beating around the bush with this one. Get tested if you know that every time you have intercourse with multiple partners, protection use is a story to you. In any case, you should get this test once a year.
The truth is, you may be infected with Chlamydia without you knowing it. Another fact is that, it is easy to find out if you have this infection; it can easily be treated and cured with antibiotics.
Punctual antibiotic treatment can stop rigorous harm to pelvic organs. The longer treatment is deferred, the more probable there is to be harm to the fallopian tubes.
Nevertheless, antibiotic treatment does not turn around any harm that has already happened to the reproductive organs.
To reduce the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease, it is currently suggested that health care providers screen sexually active adolescent and young adults, women every year, even if symptoms of Chlamydia are not there.
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An original article by Esteri Maina on CHLAMYDIA