Dealing with Spotting During the Early Weeks of Pregnancy
Dealing with Spotting During the Early Weeks of Pregnancy

Dealing with Spotting During the Early Weeks of Pregnancy

There are many issues that you will confront during the early weeks of your pregnancy. Your body (obviously) will be undergoing many different changes. Moreover, what can happen during the early weeks of a pregnancy can be different from one pregnancy to the next. One occurrence that you very well may face when it comes to the early stages of your pregnancy is spotting, the vaginal discharge of either red or brown blood.. Through this article you are provided some basic information about spotting during the initial weeks of a pregnancy and what you need to do in regard to spotting.

During the first trimester of a pregnancy spotting is common. In fact, about 1 in 3 women have some spotting early in pregnancy and in the vast majority of cases, spotting during the early weeks of a pregnancy is nothing to get too concerned about.

In some instances, spotting during the early weeks of a pregnancy can also be accompanied by cramping in lower abdomen or lower back pain. This discomfort can be rather like what you may have experienced associated with your period in the past.

If you find that you are experiencing spotting after you exercise, after sex, or even after a particular hectic or busy day, you might want to consider reducing these activities for the time being until the spotting ceases. (And, if all goes as it should, the spotting will stop sooner rather than later.)

Technically or biologically speaking, spotting is caused by the process of the thick bed of blood vessels in the endometrium as the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall. The blastocyst is the fertilized egg that has yet to implant into the uterine wall. Through this process, some blood natural is released from the uterine wall which is the cause of the spotting itself. Some experts also maintain that spotting tends to occur in a woman at that juncture in time when she normally would have experienced menses had she not become pregnant.

Though in the majority of cases of spotting it is a normal part of the pregnancy process, it can occasionally be an early warning sign of other problem, especially if its associated with pain or heavy bleeding. For example, it can be an alert that a miscarriage is in the offing or it could mean the the pregnancy is outside the uterus, and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if the nature of your spotting changes (or if you do have any concerns about spotting) and/or if you have pain then you need to contact you doctor immediately.

In addition, if the color of the spotted blood is pink or brown, this also is a sign that "things are normal." However, if the spotted blood becomes bright red, you need to see your doctor immediately. The same holds true is clots are passing along with the spotting. These can all be signs that something more serious is occurring that requires immediate medical attention.

Finally, while spotting is normal in the first trimester, it can be the sign of a serious problem if it occurs during the second and third trimesters. In such instances, you must seek medical attention immediately.

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