Find Your Perfect Sofa
Find Your Perfect Sofa

Find Your Perfect Sofa

Each individual consumer has predetermined needs, so shopping is essentially the simple action of finding what best fits your consumer needs, and buying accordingly. Sofa shopping follows these general guidelines as well, as different sofas work better depending on a particular consumers requirements. Appropriately, the first step to buying a sofa is determining and predicting what fits for you, as furniture features are highly different for individuals a families. Most families are faced with a hard problem when purchasing a new sofa, as they must find a single piece of furniture that can withstand all the members needs. Typically families with infant to adolescent aged children or pets should look to microfiber or durapella fabric sofas. With the constant wear and tear that kids and pets place on furniture, these fabrics are highly suggested, as they are extremely easy to clean and possess stain repellent attributes. Also, sofas with these fabrics come in a multitude of styles, from deep cushiony and cozy, to more firm and rigid, with features like carved wooden arms and trims, and available sleeper models, which usually house a queen size mattress. Additional suggested features would be cushions filled with polyfill and armed with zippers, to allow re-stuffing and easier cleaning ability. Single consumers buying a sofa for themselves, or a group of roommates, have a wider array of options, depending on their living conditions. If there is a pet, or you have a lot of traffic at your house, going with microfiber or durapella fabrics might offer the right appeal; however if there are no pets, and roughly mild traffic in your household, going with leather would be a more fashionable option. Be sure to look for leather that is dyed all the way through, to ensure breathability, keeping you from sticking to the sofa on hot summer days. Make sure of the quality of the leather before you purchase, to ensure you do not over spend on knock off products such as polyurethane sofas. Leather sofas come in an array of styles and fashions as well, from supersized models, to smaller two cushion models, to models that offer additional features such as engraved wood trim and arms. Remember, these are just general buying tips when looking to purchase a new sofa. The most important thing you as a consumer can possibly do is understand all the available features, to ensure purchasing a quality product that fits your needs. John Lewis offer a range of home & garden products including; sofas, curtains and blinds from leading brand names. Customers can visit for further information.