How to avoid passing HPV on
How to avoid passing HPV on

How to avoid passing HPV on

Count yourself lucky for having been born in such extraordinary times. We still havent found a way to cure every single disease, and there is no cure for HPV, however, the rate of progress is improving dramatically, and with modern science, were discovering more and more ways to, if not kill HPV off for good, we can at least take steps to prevent contracting HPV, and to prevent passing it on.

There is a bit of a misconception that HPV is an entirely sexually related disease. Just to get this clear: It is not. HPV includes genital warts, but there are literally dozens of different types of HPV. To put it simply, all warts are caused by HPV, and there are some forms of HPV that dont actually show any visible signs on the surface of the skin.

Most forms of HPV are merely uncomfortable or unsightly, warts are a form of tumour, but they are generally benign tumours, meaning, ugly as they are, theyre of no risk to your life or long term health. However, a few types can lead to cancer or other major complications.

If youve spotted an unsightly wart on your hands or feet, or your doctor has informed you that you have been infected with HPV, youll need to take measures to treat the hpv symptoms, of course, but you should also take measures to prevent passing it on.

Common warts or hand warts

Because of the protein "shell" surrounding an HPV cell, HPV can lay dormant for longer than most viruses even on non-absorbent, dry surfaces. If youre dealing with hand warts, just make sure to spray down surfaces such as countertops and doorknobs with disinfectant and keep a generally sanitary environment at work and at home.

Luckily, most common wart hpv treatment options will have you putting a band-aid or other medical adhesive over the infected area, so as long as you wash your hands and reapply the bandages as needed, theres not too much risk in passing on common hand warts.

Plantar warts

Unless youre swapping socks with your friends, plantar warts are kind of hard to pass on in your normal routine.

If you go to a gym or health club and use communal showers, just make sure to wear rubber shower sandals. This is generally recommended whether youre dealing with plantar warts or not, as you can keep from contracting HPV and foot funguses, as well.

Venereal HPV

Theres a misconception that if you dont see any warts, you cant pass HPV on. This is not true though. Not only can you pass venereal types of HPV on when there are no symptoms, there are also venereal HPV types which have no visible symptoms, but can lead to cervical cancer and other complications nonetheless.

In this day and age, you have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the many, many options for safe sex out there. The only form of safe sex that has much potential to prevent HPV, though, is using a condom. There is no cure for genital warts or HPV in men or women.

Know the sexual history of every sexual partner you become involved with, no exceptions. Unless you and your partner have both had HPV tests conducted and you know for a fact that you are both clear, use a condom every time. Condoms take only a few seconds to apply, and it just isnt worth the risk to go without.

HPV Health is dedicated to bringing you the most current information on HPV. We are dedicated to helping you. For more information on symptoms and treatments visit HPV.