Is There A Spiritual Solution to Borderline Personality Disorder?
Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that requires the adjustment of individuals and their loved ones. It requires that their loved ones learn how to avoid them when in hyper-hysteric fits and it requires that the individuals with the disorder learn to avoid their family when they are tempted to do them emotional harm. In time, the solution of problem avoidance isnt enough however. Inevitably the sufferers need to tell someone of how badly they wish they could die or destroy everyone who doesnt totally adore them. These kind of hysterics are not a matter of mere drama or pretense, they demand to be expressed and if the sufferers fail to express them they are sure that they will just die. Of course, the reality is much different than the illusion that these individuals create in their mind. The reality is that the people suffering from BPD have disconnected with their wise mind, their real mind. They have gotten to a point where they have a hard time believing there is anything to the world around them except what their intellectual mind or their emotional mind tells them there is. The reality is that when they get stuck into one of these modes of thought—as is true most of the time—they will either turn their friends off with manic attempts to share every bit of intellectual information that they find interesting. This will send the friends away because it is just too boring for the friend to endure. The other tactic that the BPDs will use is to share whatever they are feeling at the precise intensity that they are feeling it. This usually frightens friends or family away unless they have learned to deal with it. The case of the BPD sufferer is that they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. So, as the cruelty of this disorder is made clear the ethical mind is challenged to ask, "how could this be? How could God allow this suffering?" Of course, God has little to do with it. God, in fact is the one who is able to heal the entire illusion, because—especially with this type of suffering—illusion is the best word to describe what it is. The pains and frustrations that lead the sufferer to push into one of these extremes (emotion or intellectualism) is the same dysfunction that everyone experiences in the ego-bound mind except it is magnified for the BPD sufferer. The result is—contrary to what might appear obvious—that the BPD has an easier time releasing ego and accepting God. So, the question "is there a spiritual solution to BPD?" is somewhat misleading. Perhaps a better question would be, what is BPD a spiritual solution for? The answer to that of course is that BPD is the spiritual solution for the illusion of ego-bound time. It is a guidance system in the same way that the two buffers of a bowling alley is a guidance system. They teach the BPD to shoot at the middle and avoid the comfortable edges. The middle—where intellect and emotion meld into a powerful unit—is the perfect place for all who live in this time-bound reality because this middle area teaches the soul that it is always connected to well-being while always being connected to the illusion of time and space. The spiritual truth of this reality is that we are all paradoxes walking around as if we arent paradoxes. The existence of this paradox is something that constantly pushes people into either psychosis or—more commonly—neuroses. The BPD sufferer is never able to get lost in the apparently comfortable world of neurosis and is also never able to flee into the secure insecurity of psychosis. Rather, they are constantly tied to the pain of the borderline, until they free themselves from ego—the one source of their apparent suffering. There are therapies available that can help the individual to develop their mindfulness and release the disabling aspects of BPD. Clive Green is a writer with expertise in the fields of self-improvement, real estate and finance. Look here for home business opportunities.