L-Arginine (Nitric Oxide) supplement cautions
L-Arginine (Nitric Oxide) supplement cautions

L-Arginine (Nitric Oxide) supplement cautions

It is the mark of any responsible supplement distributor to advise potential consumers of the potential side effects that exist with the consumption of their product. It is wise to thoroughly investigate the potential dangers and side effects of every supplement that you might consider using. Responsibility and ownership over what you put in your body is always encouraged. It is also helpful to remember that all supplements, no matter how natural or safe, will cause negative side effects in some people. There are no substances, even those substances created naturally by the body, which every person can tolerate without consequence. Many side effect cautions will not apply to you. Nevertheless the advice to proceed with caution is still sound council.

L-Arginine is a supplement that very rarely has side effects. Although adverse reactions with other medications have not been reported, as of a 2005 publication, the possibility exist for some. Such negative interactions include taking L-Arginine along with any type of blood thinner or blood pressure medication including Coumadin (however current research by experts such as Dr. Prendergast show no negative interactions). Other side effects that patients reported included mild cases of diarrhea, headache and recurrence of cold sores. As with any supplement or medication, you should be careful when you take L-Arginine if you are currently being treated for cancer or any other disease. The medications prescribed for these more serious conditions have a higher likelihood of having their effectiveness compromised by the introduction of any other supplement or drug.

L-Arginine is very safe for those that are in general good health. It is especially safe for those who take doses of L-Arginine at the recommended 4 to 6 grams per dose level. The L-Arginine supplement that is currently being provided in the ProArgi-9 Plus products provided through Synergy Worldwide was actually shown to have no adverse effects in clinical trials where dosages where much higher. Dr. Louis J. Ignarro, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, explains in his book "NO More Heart Disease", that "If you choose to take my recommended dose of L-Arginine (4-6 gram dose), you can expect no side effects." Dr. Ignarro goes on to explain that even though there have been no side effect of L-Arginine reported in medical literature, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any supplement or drug.

L-Arginine is a supplement that in many cases may work best at a higher dosage level. This is because the liver and intestines break down a good part of the amino acid before it is absorbed by the vessels in the rest of the body. The higher dosage levels (sometimes up to 20 grams) will in most cases ensure that the benefits of L-Arginine reach the vessels throughout the entire body. For those who are considering taking L-Arginine as a supplement that they hope will provide some relief to symptoms of heart disease, the potential for side effects is generally not high enough to justify compromising the potential for relief from their discomfort. Although producers of L-Arginine do not make the claim that L-Arginien provides a cure of any kind, there are many pieces of research that strongly support the possibility that L-Arginine prevents the onset or rapid progression of a variety of heart related ailments by keeping the blood vessels and arteries clear from obstruction and allowing the heart to work with less resistance. Heart health is a concern for many Americans as heart disease claims more lives every year than any other disease. Take the time to consider if L-Arginine can help you to live a more fulfilling lifestyle. Talk about any concern that you may have about this supplement with your physician. You may find that youve been missing out on this opportunity to improve the health of your heart.


Eric Glenn is the successful owner of several global health businesses and regularly advises clients and customers on health, nutrition and creating their own global business. Eric strongly recommends the use of supplements with Synergy Worldwide to improve your health. To learn more about supplements that can help to improve your health visit http://www.ericglenn.com or his health supplements website http://www.synergyteamglobal.com