Pregnancy Sleeping Positions-First Trimester Sleep Is a Breeze if You Know the Right Way to Do It
Pregnancy Sleeping Positions-First Trimester Sleep Is a Breeze if You Know the Right Way to Do It

Pregnancy Sleeping Positions-First Trimester Sleep Is a Breeze if You Know the Right Way to Do It

A lot of expecting mothers are surprised at just how hard they find it to sleep during pregnancy. The changes in your body can disrupt your peaceful sleep and this is because of the increasing size of your abdomen, heartburn, breath shortness, back pain, and insomnia. You should know more of the proper pregnancy sleeping positions. First trimester is the best time to learn so you know how to sleep well for the remainder of your pregnancy.

With adequate sleep at night, you and your baby will become healthier. Some people call the ideal sleeping position as SOS or sleep on side. Its better to sleep in the left side but you can also try these positions:

1. Sleep with a pillow under the abdomen
2. For women experiencing heartburn, the upper body should be propped up with additional pillows
3. Lie on your left side and slightly bend your knees

Women who love to sleep on their stomach will no longer be able to do it because the abdomen will increase in size. It is not recommended to sleep on the back especially if you are in the later stage if your pregnancy.

Whether youre in the first trimester or in the later stage of pregnancy, you will have to get used to using the correct pregnancy sleeping positions. First trimester is the time to get used to sleeping in the correct position that will lead to a healthy pregnancy. Once you find out that youre pregnant, you have to consult your doctor right away. Every month, you have to visit your doctor for further check up. You can also talk about your sleeping problems so that you will know how to deal with it. Get a maternity pillow to help you sleep on your sides.

A good maternity pillow can be a life saver for expecting mothers. They not only promote sleeping in the correct side sleeping position for a healthy pregnancy, they also help you to sleep like a baby. Imagine your body wrapped in a big comfy pillow. Well, now you can justify that indulgence because it leads to a healthier pregnancy.

Do you want to get a good nights sleep while maintaining the correct pregnancy sleeping positions in your first trimester and throughout pregnancy? Learn more about how a maternity pillow can help you get a full and healthy night of sleep during pregnancy at