Relationship Tips - Get Him Hooked and Play Hard to Get
Relationship Tips - Get Him Hooked and Play Hard to Get

Relationship Tips - Get Him Hooked and Play Hard to Get

Do you want to know how you can play hard to get in order to make a guy more interested in you? Do you want to know how you can prevent him from getting bored? Do you want to find out how you can use the technique and attract any man that you want? If you have tried to play hard to get before and found that it didnt work then there are some things that you might want to try. Let him do the hunting The most important thing is to make sure that he is the one doing the chasing. Men love hunting and will like the thrill of the chase. If he gets everything he wants then he will get bored very quickly. Making him work for your affections will make things last much longer. Make yourself busy Dont put your entire life on hold until he has decided whether or not he wants to spend time with you. You should find a hobby which you really enjoy doing. This will not only keep you occupied but it will also make him more interested in you. Men will realize that they love you when they miss you when they cant spend time with you. Keep your plans It can seem tempting to start changing your current plans to fit a new guy in. However you must be careful not to do this. If a guy asks you out then you need to negotiate until you find a mutually acceptable time. If he gives up too quickly then he obviously isnt that interested in you anyway. Men love a challenge and if hes a keeper then he will fight for you. Intuition Women have a sixth sense known as our intuition. It can be difficult to listen to it because weve spent so long ignoring it. If you ever feel that something isnt quite right then make sure you give it some serious thought. If you play hard to get then this will only world if the guy is really interested in you. If you are interested in learning how you can play hard to get in order to get a guy then you have to be prepared to practice. After a while though you will be beating the guys off with a stick! Download your FREE Dating Ebook @ now.