Relationship Tips - How to Be Confident Around Women
Every time you speak to a woman do you feel like your bladder is going to burst? Or when you approach any woman do your legs give way and so does your tongue when on any other given day they seem to work fine? Worry not my friend because I have drafted the following secret psychology tactics that would help you be more confident around women. Remember "practice makes a man perfect". It is no different in this case either. You can go through the following tactics and ensure that you practice them on every chance you get. Tactic #1 If you are looking to get that uptight girl to go out with you and maybe even have a LTR with, but worried that she might turn you down outright then trust me she will turn you down. You can either give up your chance here or try understanding women better. Ever wondered what it is that has made her uptight or in other words, what it is in life that has made her not trust anyone? Ponder on that and strike a note there. Give her a reason to trust you. She wants to know what your agenda is. Go slow and be confident. Try understanding her position and look at life from her view. Tactic #2 Show that one special girl that you are one of the most eligible and most wanted men in town. She needs to see to believe. Dont make yourself too available for her. One minute you are there for her, but the next minute you need to lead your life too. Do not give her the idea that you are at her beck and call. Let her want you and come looking for you. Remember women are emotional creatures and rocket science is definitely easier in comparison to deciphering a womans thoughts and emotions. Make certain you hit a chord emotionally. Make yourself her leaning pillar every time she has an emotional breakdown. Create romantic scenarios and give her surprise treats. This would do the trick if the other tactic fails. Remember to try all these tactics together every so often possible. Also remember that you are dealing with another human being and that her emotions are as valuable as yours. Dont play with it. Rather learn to be the best and desirable lover by deciphering a woman through these secret psychology tactics. Download your FREE Dating Ebook @ now.