Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts-Complications of a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst
Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts-Complications of a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts-Complications of a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

Many women have cysts that never bother them and dont require medical treatment but a ruptured ovarian cyst is a serious and possibly life threatening situation. An ovarian cyst of itself if not an issue, it is the fairly common consequence of an egg not dispatching properly, thereby creating a cyst.

However, if the cyst fills with fluid and grows larger it is a problem because there is then the possibility of a ruptured ovarian cyst and complications. As an ovarian cyst enlarges it structurally weakens until the cyst wall is burst and begins to leak fluid. This leakage is felt by the woman as terrible abdominal pain.

Symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst may include abdominal pain, unusual bleeding or abdominal pressure. These symptoms should set offimmediate medical attention as complications can be extremely serious.

Possible complications include:
Inflammation and infection: Blood supply to the ovaries is blocked by the cyst or twisting of the fallopian tube causing inflammation. Inflammation in turn can develop into infection requiring antibiotics and compromising other organs.

Hemorrhage: Caused from blood from the ruptured cyst leaking into the abdominal cavity. The bleeding has to be stopped to alleviate pain and limit further complications.

Sepsis: Cystic fluid is leaked into the abdominal cavity. The body is overwhelmed with bacteria in the bloodstream and must be treated with antibiotics. Left untreated, or if treatment is unsuccessful, sepsis can cause organ failure or death.

Twisting or Torsion: Depending on the size and location of the cyst the ovaries can become twisted, limiting blood supply to the ovaries causing the tissue to die. Complications of twisting or torsion can impact the urinary tract, other organs, and can result in infertility.

Infertility: As well as the risk of infertility from torsion, there is a risk of infertility from adhesion. This complication occurs when there is scarring on the ovaries caused by the ruptured ovarian cyst. The scarring, or adhesion, has the potential to diminish the ovaries ability to release eggs.

Because of the severity of these complications, any women who suspects she may have ovarian cysts to seek medical advice and treatment, before the cyst enlarges and becomes a potentially ruptured ovarian cyst.
The remedy of ruptured ovarian cysts is directly related to the intensity of your problem. This must be addressed on a case-by-case review. In the long term, an ovarian cyst that ruptures can be a problem.

Traditional medicine is ineffective at curing cysts and leaves you with the spectre of future ruptured cysts. When you take this holistic approach you tackle the core problem and get relief from the nagging symptoms.

Now you ask, what exactly do you do you have for me to prevent another ovarian cyst?